African Wild Dog Adoption Kit

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We’ve Spotted Your New BFF (Best Furry Friend)

Adoption Kit includes:

  • 4x6 photo your animal
  • Letter from Animal Care Specialist
  • Personalized adoption certificate
  • Support of DZCA animal care + conservation efforts
  • Does not include plush animal, choose plush as an add-on

When you watch our African painted dog pack sunbathing in their habitat, it might be hard to believe that these carefree canines are Endangered—with fewer than 5,000 individuals left in the wild. Each pack needs 80–800 square miles of uninhabited open range to hunt and roam, and most of Africa’s national parks are not large enough to support a single family group.

With your adoption of a cuddly plush African painted dog, you’re contributing to the world-class care we provide for our real-live pack—and also helping to support Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance's mission of Inspiring Communities to Save Wildlife for Future Generations.

Product Number wilddogdonation
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